GIVE ANSWERS - Język polski

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Looking for a language exchange partner

Hi everyone, I'd like to improve my basic Polish (vocabulary and nothing much) to start having basic dialogues with native speakers. I'd like to exchange English/Spanish for Polish. Mostly on weekends around 14:00 or 15:00 Polish time by Skype. Please feel free to contact me in case you're interested.

PS: Immerse yourself in these free Polish lessons: Instruction: DrinksFamous Polish PeopleAdverbsPolish Cuisine


KrzysztofSuchocki profile picture KrzysztofSuchockiNovember 2019
Hi, If you want to polish your Polish with me let me know. I'm ready. Best regards Krzysztof
Anka500 profile picture Anka500November 2019
I can pracice your Polish via Skype but I have time around 16:30 and later during the week. If you want, write to me
pozdrawiam, Ania