GIVE ANSWERS - Język polski

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Hello! I would like to learn some basic Polish to be able to talk a little bit with the Polish people I meet at my workplace. I can teach Norwegian and English in return =)


marrtaa99 profile picture marrtaa99November 2017
Hi. I can help you but I need help with english
czarek110895 profile picture czarek110895October 2017
hi bro what exacly you want to learn?

  • Markota profile picture MarkotaOctober 2017
    99% of the polish people i meet are so great people, hard working and very nice when i first start to talk a little bit with them, that is why i want to learn a little Polish
  • Markota profile picture MarkotaOctober 2017
    Basically, i know nothing! haha Just a few bad words and how to say hello.
    But i always met a lot of polish people on some of my jobs, and i want to be able to talk a little bit with them. So in the start i am only interested in learning how to say some common phrases, greeting, how to ask a few questions etc