ДАЙТЕ ВІДПОВІДІ - Język polski

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trudno mówić po polsku, potrzebować pomocy

PS: Delve into these free Polish learning lessons: Training: Indefinite Articles in PolishAmphibiansAccentsPoland Timeline


Kasiia profile picture KasiiaApril 2018
It's okay, You can write to me :p
sandra_sko profile picture sandra_skoDecember 2017
Hi I have help you lern English.
Torka profile picture TorkaDecember 2017
Cześć. Chętnie Ci pomogę
sabor1998 profile picture sabor1998November 2017
I can help you
Susan_hi profile picture Susan_hiOctober 2017
Hello. I can help learn a polish
fanka_nasy profile picture fanka_nasyNovember 2017
I can help you
Mizumi profile picture MizumiNovember 2017
I can help you