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Is it possible to use neuter words to avoid gendering?

Hello there,

I found myself wondering whether speakers of Polish would think it odd if one were to use neuter marked words instead of feminine or masculine.

I prefer not revealing my gender identity in texts but seeing how Polish grammar requires gender agreement makes it difficult even in theory.

To make a long story short, what would you think of a person who introduces themself with "Jestem wysokie" rather than 'wysoka' or 'wysoky'?


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maikaeferli profile picture maikaeferliMay 2013
Jestem wysokiego wzrostu.
Freya_0 profile picture Freya_0May 2013
Sorry. It's impossible in polish. Every adjective has to agree with the noun. So if you're talking about yourself, depending on your gender, the adjective has to agree with. However you can use other forms of expression like the ones below which do not reveal gender.
  • MWAHAHA profile picture MWAHAHAAugust 2017
    Yes, we have "ono" but we skip it or use "to". It's that rare word that it may exist only in theory.
MWAHAHA profile picture MWAHAHAAugust 2017
Saying "Jestem wyskoki/wysoka" it's easier and less complicated. In Polish you can't say it about yourself using neuter there is no other way and you need to put here gender.
maikaeferli profile picture maikaeferliMay 2013
Jestem osobą o wysokim wzroście.