Chinese Pronounciation!

TAMBAHKAN VIDEO BARU!64% berkata "BAGUS" (22 votes)


BAOBAO311 profile picture BAOBAO311October 2016
good job!and the good examples the guy gave!
SleepingDragon profile picture SleepingDragonApril 2009

Excellent pedagogy.thank you

vincent profile picture vincentDecember 2008

Ni ZhongWen Xie de Hen Hao
selina88895 profile picture selina88895December 2008

ni jiang de hen hao!

你 讲 得 很 好 !


Floboy profile picture FloboyJuly 2008

great video, simple (=not complex) contents but very nicely presented and going straight to the point.
I wish there was a possibility to bookmark favorite videos, I would add this videao at once!

谢 谢 !

Yuehan profile picture YuehanJune 2008
man! You are so smart!!! LOL