Searching for tandem in Guangzhou / China (can teach ger and eng)

Vota ara!

Hello together,

my name is Toni and I'm 24 years old, as I'm now in Guangzhou for half a year, I'm searching for a tandem partner to meet in Guangzhou and learn together.

I would like to learn some Mandarin and can teach German aswell as English.

I'm very friendly and outgoing, so don't hesitate to write me =)

Have a nice day,



loculy profile picture loculyOctober 2013
You still learn Mandarin in China,right?
I wanna learn German language so bad, can we just exchange the Wechat ID,so we can talk.I can help you with your Chinese,and I also hope I can get some help from you with my poor German.
my ID is MiaoaoH
summerz profile picture summerzSeptember 2013
my name is Summer and I'd like to find a partner to practice German, but i'm not in Guangzhou, maybe we could use MSN or QQ or "weixin". I can teach you Mandarin.
Have a nice day.