
Text from InfinityHasMeFooled - 官話

  • 儿童的服装:社会上的新趋势

  • 原文: Modern society revolves around concepts such as beauty and originality, ideals that have been embraced and implemented by fashion designers worldwide.
  • Undoubtedly, fashion has always been a powerful means of expression, as the way we dress reflects our cultural provenience, mentality, personality, and even our feelings.
  • In addition, fashion has the great merit of combining practicality with aesthetics, and could be perceived as "a pragmatic form of art".
  • Being influenced by many different cultural and social factors and permanently adapting to the needs and requirements of a continuously developing society, fashion has suffered a lot of radical changes over the course of time.
  • During its ongoing process of evolution, it has generated many different styles and trends, revealing traits characteristic to each distinctive generation.
  • Despite the fact that it has created many tendencies and has evolved continuously in conformity with the society's ideals and needs, fashion has only recently begun to pay equal attention to all categories of age.
  • Although they were generally neglected in the past by clothing manufacturers, children nowadays form an important segment of clients in the fashion industry, enjoying an extensive and varied range of clothing appropriate for their age.
  • The children's clothing industry has only recently begun to achieve a good exposure and popularity, gaining a lot of ground over the past few years.
  • 译文: 如今,现代社会围绕着诸如美貌与独创性的概念,而这些概念被世界上各国各地的服装设计师接受以及运用在服装设计的行业。无疑地,赶时髦一直都是一种很有效地表达出来个人心情的方法,因为我们穿衣服的方式会显出自己的文化起源、心理状态、性格、甚至感情。此外,时装具有将实际性与美学结合起来的优点,且可被视为一种“具有实用性的艺术形式”。随着时间的流逝,时装由于被在文化与社会上的诸多不同的因素影响了以及要适应一个不停发展的社会的需求,它就受到了许多极端的变化。 .
  • 在发展的过程中,时装就产生出具有各个时代特征的款式与新潮。 尽管时装创造出新的趋势以及同时与社会上的观念和需求一起发展,它近几年才开始注意到其它的年龄段。虽然在过去中没有收到服装产生者的重视,但如今儿童形成时装行业的客户群的重要一部分。除此之外,他们能够享受到各种各样适合他们年龄的服装。近几年,儿童服装行业才开始收到大众的注意,而这样就发展得极快。.


  • Titel
  • Sentence 1
    • 原文: Modern society revolves around concepts such as beauty and originality, ideals that have been embraced and implemented by fashion designers worldwide.
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    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 1VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2
    • Undoubtedly, fashion has always been a powerful means of expression, as the way we dress reflects our cultural provenience, mentality, personality, and even our feelings.
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    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 2VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 2
  • Sentence 3
  • Sentence 4
    • Being influenced by many different cultural and social factors and permanently adapting to the needs and requirements of a continuously developing society, fashion has suffered a lot of radical changes over the course of time.
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    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 4VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 4
  • Sentence 5
    • During its ongoing process of evolution, it has generated many different styles and trends, revealing traits characteristic to each distinctive generation.
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    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 5VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 5
  • Sentence 6
    • Despite the fact that it has created many tendencies and has evolved continuously in conformity with the society's ideals and needs, fashion has only recently begun to pay equal attention to all categories of age.
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    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 6VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 6
  • Sentence 7
    • Although they were generally neglected in the past by clothing manufacturers, children nowadays form an important segment of clients in the fashion industry, enjoying an extensive and varied range of clothing appropriate for their age.
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    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 7VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 7
  • Sentence 8
    • The children's clothing industry has only recently begun to achieve a good exposure and popularity, gaining a lot of ground over the past few years.
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    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 8VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 8
  • Sentence 9
    • 译文: 如今,现代社会围绕着诸如美貌与独创性的概念,而这些概念被世界上各国各地的服装设计师接受以及运用在服装设计的行业。无疑地,赶时髦一直都是一种很有效地表达出来个人心情的方法,因为我们穿衣服的方式会显出自己的文化起源、心理状态、性格、甚至感情。此外,时装具有将实际性与美学结合起来的优点,且可被视为一种“具有实用性的艺术形式”。随着时间的流逝,时装由于被在文化与社会上的诸多不同的因素影响了以及要适应一个不停发展的社会的需求,它就受到了许多极端的变化。 .
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    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 9VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 9
  • Sentence 10
    • 在发展的过程中,时装就产生出具有各个时代特征的款式与新潮。 尽管时装创造出新的趋势以及同时与社会上的观念和需求一起发展,它近几年才开始注意到其它的年龄段。虽然在过去中没有收到服装产生者的重视,但如今儿童形成时装行业的客户群的重要一部分。除此之外,他们能够享受到各种各样适合他们年龄的服装。近几年,儿童服装行业才开始收到大众的注意,而这样就发展得极快。.
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    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 10VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 10