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What's the difference? - "He eats at seven." 일곱시에 식사를 합니다‏ vs. 일곱시에 식사합니다‏‏

What's the difference? - "He eats at seven." 일곱시에 식사를 합니다‏ vs. 일곱시에 식사합니다‏‏

I learned (1) "일곱시에 식사를 합니다‏"- "He eats at seven o' clock"  from a book but in this book "식사하다" is listed as "to eat" so I was wondering if  it‘s  also right to say (2) "일곱시에 식사합니다‏‏" ? Maybe the closer translation of the example (1) is actually "He does the Meal at seven"? But would (2) than still be correct? Or would you not say it like that?

Thanks a lot

PS: sorry that I can’t ask my question completely in Korean ㅠ ㅠ 

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noway2tell profile picture noway2tellJuly 2020

'식사' is a noun meaning 'meal(s)' in Korean. 'have a meal' can express 'do a meal(식사를 하다)' in Korean. And '식사하다' is a verb meaning 'have a meal'. Additionally, '먹다' just means 'eat', so that can be used for anything you eat, not only meals. (snacks, desserts, etc.)

SerenaLee profile picture SerenaLeeMay 2020
Hi. Both are correct, but they are very written expressions which might sound a little bit awkward in real conversation. But grammatically, that is correct.
In common conversation, we say,
A : 몇시에 식사하세요?
B : 7시에 먹어요.
wildsunflower profile picture wildsunflowerSeptember 2020
Both are correct, and there isn't much difference. " 일곱시에 식사를 합니다‏ " is grammatically more elaborate. You may see it more often in writing. "일곱시에 식사합니다‏‏" is more common in speaking.
Bokyung2122 profile picture Bokyung2122September 2020

I think both are correct. When you say ‘7시에 식사를 합니다’, ‘식사’ is emphasized then another sentence.