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1. 캐나다나 영국에 가고 싶어요. 2. 캐나다나 영국으로 가고 싶어요. Is there any difference usage of 에 and 으로 between those sentences? Or both of them are true, and I can use both of them for the same situation??

PS: Take a look at these free Korean educational resources: Tips: Connecting VerbsPluralsIntroducing YourselfAlphabet and Pronunciation


Kevin0 profile picture Kevin0February 2021
Yes, you’re right. You can use both of them for the same situation.
kate_yu profile picture kate_yuDecember 2020
You can use both of them for the same situation. Perfect
Yune24 profile picture Yune24February 2021
~으로 emphasize the act of going than ~에