I want to learn Korean :D

20% GOOD (5 votes)

Hi everybody ! :D

I'm Margaux, but call me Anko :) I'm 17 y.o, French and I'm looking for someone who's Korean and who can teach me the language.

I'm a huge fan of K-POP music but I'm also listening others kind of music (C-POP, C-ROCK, Rock ...). I'm open-minded and I love talking so it'll not be a problem for me to talk.

If you contact me, please talk to me in English (or in French :D). It'll be easier to understand.

Thanks~ and maybe see you.


syua1120 profile picture syua1120January 2012
Hi My name is Helen (though it's my nickname in the United States). Anyway, nice to meet you! I can help you with Korean. My skype id is staysyua1120! Talk to me whenever you want!