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🕒 How do you Express the Past in Kazakh?

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Yezhotoka17 profile picture Yezhotoka17Il y a 5 semaines

To say something in the past tense, we should add to the root of the verbs ды, ді, ты, ті. The main rule is that you should follow vowel harmony in the verb: e.g. after soft vowels ә, і, ө, ү, и, е, must be -ді, -ті Ол келді -He (she) came, Ол өтті- He (she) passed through. But after the other ones а, о, у, ы, ұ must be -ды, -ты: Олар алды- They took, Олар ұтты- They won etc.

bekmag profile picture bekmagSeptember 2022
For example, we say in the present tense - Бар, in the past tense it will look like - Барды. The letter ”ды” is added.