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Can you help me about pronunciation? Please

I can hear the sound of these following letters : 

К / Қ

Н / Ң

Ү / Ұ



Do you have some pronunciation's rules? Like "e" pronunced sometimes "ie" or "i" or "e" etc...

Many thanks for your help

PS: Delve into these free Kazakh learning lessons: Free resource: Idiomatic ExpressionsPast Tense (ӨТКЕН ШАҚ)How to Use HaveAlphabet and Pronunciation


tutuomo profile picture tutuomoSeptember 2019
Unfortunately I can not explain all the letters, but you can use [ŋ] for Ң and [æ] for Ә.
zhnrdna profile picture zhnrdnaSeptember 2020

Hi, We pronounce қ, ң, ғ, ұ stronger than к, н, г, у and ү.