Do you want to learn Spanish?

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Do you want to learn or to improve your Spanish? I can help you.


Goran[br][edited by goranbcn on 2005-06-23 06:08:54]


shellyusa profile picture shellyusaDecember 2005
hehe, beginning spanish learner here :)

when do you use "nosotros" as opposed to "vosotros"?

gracias por la ayuda!

hasta la vista,
[br][edited by shellyusa on 2005-12-21 10:12:17]
goranbcn profile picture goranbcnJune 2005
Hi Prela,

The imperative is a bit difficult in Spanish. For the negative form "subjuntivo " should be used. TÚ, VOSOTROS, USTED and USTEDES are the ones that are used more than others.

Examples (verb MIRAR)

affirmative form:

mira (tú)

mire (usted)

miremos (nosotros)

mirad (vosotros) ---> not "mirar"

miren (ellos, ellas)

miren (ustedes)

negative form

no mires (tú)

no mire (usted)

no miremos (nosotros)

no miréis (vosotros)

no miren (ellos)

no miren (ustedes)

An example with a reflexive verb:

affirmative form:


quédate (tú)

quédese (usted)

quedémonos (nosotros)

quedaos (vosotros) ---> not "quedaros"

que se queden (ellos, ellas))

quédense (ustedes)

negative form:

no te quedes (tú)

no se quede (usted)

no nos quedemos (nosotros)

no os quedéis (vosotros)

que no se queden (ellos)

no se queden (estedes)

[br][edited by goranbcn on 2005-06-09 12:33:52]
Prela profile picture PrelaJune 2005
Well I was wondering how do you say commands like not the normal commands like lava la ropa for example or not to do something like no comas. i want to know how to make commands for like the ellas, ellos, ustedes form if you can help...
goranbcn profile picture goranbcnJune 2005
Привет NadiaPupss,

Как дела? ;) You will pick it up easily. It's said that Spanish is very easy for Slavic speakers ;)

До свидания
NadiaPupss profile picture NadiaPupssJune 2005
I'd really love to learn Spanish.... This's my dream :) Want to have a lot of friends from this country... Soon I'll visit Spain... in august... I think it'll be wonderful :)
Luces profile picture LucesJune 2005
Mil gracias y no importa. Aprovecho para enviar un saludo carinioso a todos los que se dedican en mayor o menor grado al conocimiento del idioma espaniol.
goranbcn profile picture goranbcnJune 2005
Hola Luces,

Perdona por no haber contestado antes. Sí que vi tu pregunta pero luego se me olvidó responderte.

La forma "se hiela" es correcta

De todas formas aquí te pongo este verbo conjugado:

yo me hielo
tú te hielas
él, ella se hiela

nosotros/as nos helamos
vosotros/as os heláis
ellos, ellas se hielan

Un saludo
goranbcn profile picture goranbcnJune 2005
¿Qué es lo que no comprendes exactamente?