100% GOOD (1 votes)Neatsakyta
Ciao, I am trying to learn Italian and am looking for friends to help me, in return I can try to help with your English.


AndreaG profile picture AndreaGMay 2014
Hi, I'm Andrea and I'd like to help you with Italian. I also want to improve my English so i think we could help each other.
robertomilano profile picture robertomilanoMay 2014
I'm italian i can help you. I write in english and you respond in italian
Marthyna profile picture MarthynaMay 2014
Hi, I'm Italian but I live in London. I need to improve my English for work and I can teach you Italian.
AnnaHAPPY profile picture AnnaHAPPYMay 2014
WOOW! I'm Italian!!! Do you teach me English??I need it! Your help is very important for me!!!
mytuscany profile picture mytuscanyMarch 2014
why not? I'm Italian and I wont improve my English too.
ciavs profile picture ciavsMarch 2014
Yes We could be try .
Let me know

Marcus22 profile picture Marcus22March 2014
Yes, why not I wanna improve my English (: