Stem nou!onbeantwoord
About definite,indefinite and partitive acticles

Conosco un bambino di nome paolo.Il bambino ha un fratello piccolo che non sa usare la bicicletta.un giorno paolo chiama il fratello e gli da dei consigli.Tutti giorni il fratello di paolo si allena,e la setimane dopo riesce a pedalare bene come paolo.

 Above the red words are the key to this exercise,but I'm confused.Is there anyone help me figure it out?Thx you Grazie :) 


vitaminavi profile picture vitaminaviMay 2015


  • 1) Definite articles are used to indicate what is already known in the speech that we are doing. In the second sentence, we already know that there is a boy named Paolo, so we use "il bambino ha...".
  • 2) Indefinite articles are used to indicate someone or something that is not known yet and therefore constitutes new information within the sentence, or the period of the speech. In the second sentence we don't know yet that Paolo has a little brother, so when we introduce this new information we say "ha un fratello piccolo...".
  • 3) Partitive articles are used also to indicate an unspecified amount of a countable element and they can be paraphrased with "qualche / un po' di (some / a few )". In the third sentence we use "gli da dei consigli..." that could be translated with "he gives him some advices" because we don't know their exact number.