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what pronoums reemplace these french pronoums "en" "y" "on" in italian and how we should use it?


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MacDee profile picture MacDeeFebruary 2015

Actually, French pronouns have almost direct correspondence to those Italian.

First comes a French phrase, then Italian and English translations.

1) French "en" corresponds to Italian "ne"

  • e.g. Parlons-en! - Parliamone! - Let's talk about it!
  • J'en ai besoin. - Ne ho bisogno. - I need that.
  • J'en suis sûr. - Ne sono sicuro. - I am sure about that.

2) French "y" corresponds to Italian "ci"

  • e.g. Allons-y! Andiamoci! Let's go there!
  • J'y crois. - Ci credo. - I believe in it.
  • J'y pense souvent. - Ci penso spesso. - I often think about it.

Additionally, "ci" is used in the set phrase "c'è/ci sono" meaning "there is/there are" which roughly corresponds to French "il y a"

  • Il y a une armoire dans cette chambre? - C'è un armadio in questa camera? - Is there a wardrobe in this room?

Instead of "ci" you can sometimes come across with "vi", but mainly in literal speech.

3) Finally, French "on" usually corresponds to Italian "si" (reflexive pronuoun)

  • Ici on parle français. - Qui si parla francese. - French is spoken here.
  • On peut nager ici. - Si può nuotare qui. - You can swim here.

Source: teacher of Italian

Eva854 profile picture Eva854August 2017
cuckoo good evening how you are me it is Éva I am widowed I search a friendship