In Love forever and ever... With Italy!!

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Hi everybody! You might think I'm mad, BUT. I'm in love with Italy!! This love is driving me mad, I spend 2 week-ends a month in this gorgeous country but can never get enough of it. Hmmmm.... Isn't it weird... I've seen a lot of this world thanks to my job but Italy will always be my favorite country. Thanks God it's so- relatively of course- close to Austria. I don't speak the language (not yet. it's a kind of complicated to attend the language course because of my job), but I'll manage it within the next couple of years I hope.

...Was just wondering if someone else has ever felt in love with a country and what was the remedy :-)Thanks to all of you in advance. [br][edited by AmazingGrace on 2005-09-03 19:36:30]


shle3pyb4by profile picture shle3pyb4byOctober 2007
ciao, tutti!
i'm in love with italy too, especially the language. quanto mi piace, italiano lingua!
my personal opinion, i think the language is way too bellissima! really.
i want to learn more, so if theres anyone out there would be very kind to teach me, i can swap with teaching you english... ) (even though my english is not that superb!)

so, hope to hear from any of you soon! a presto!
buona notte. tanti baci!
Odenplan profile picture OdenplanOctober 2007

If you want to be disgusted of Italy, go to the outskirts of the cities or terrible areas near Naples or other towns....hehe


Ingrid_cro profile picture Ingrid_croNovember 2005
Hey...I'm also in love with it...the thing is I can't explain where my love actually came from. As my country has a sea border with Italy I'm free to go there almost whenever I want but it doesn't seem to be enough. I'd like to go there and never leave... I've also been taking up italian since I was 13 years old (I'm 18)...
moniL profile picture moniLNovember 2005
Ciao Amazingrace!! I too am in love with Italy!! I've lived here for over a year now and dont want to leave!! unfortunatly my job is requiring me to go back to the usa and i am sooooo sad. But i know for sure i will come back and spend more time, maybe forever!!
There is no remedy!! soke up this wonderful country, its beautiful people, and the fantastic culture.
Un bacio, ciao ciao. Moni
BradVanGogh profile picture BradVanGoghNovember 2005
My MSN contact information: BradVanGoghBradVanGogh profile picture
Jorke profile picture JorkeNovember 2005
Hi Brad !

may I have your e-mail or MSN contact?
I'd like to ask you something about American Universities, and, why not, we can talk about Italian language :)

Giorgio (Italy)
BradVanGogh profile picture BradVanGoghNovember 2005

Your language is lavishing, absolutely marvelous. The way each sentence seems to simply roll off the tip of your tongue. I, myself, have acquired an interest in learning the language ever since I began listening to classical opera. I became absolutely enchanted by the fact that a story was somehow "encoded" in this mysterious foreign language. It was then that I decided to learn Italian.

Ogni, parlo un poco, ma ora parlo come Sherril Milnes canta. M'aiuterai? Hahaha. I can teach English, and I'm pretty good with my Spanish...but not as good as I used to be.

"Portero meco,
La borsa piena!
Si quel che vuoi,
ma il resto puoi!
Oh non si dubiti
che bene andrà!"
-Figaro e Conte Almaviva di Il Barbiere di Siviglia (scrito di Gioachino Rossini)

God Bless!
University of Illinois, Champaign, IL, USA
Elanorielle profile picture ElanorielleNovember 2005
You know, I also love this country... I've been there 5 or 6 years ago, I was small, but I fell in love with Venice, its streets, cathedrals and doves.. =) In that time I've decided that when I grow up I will come to live to Italy... but now I also would like to live in Ireland and England, so Italy has strong competition. =)