Italian teaching and english learning

Stem nu!

Hiiiiii! I am an 18 yars old italian boy.    I'd like to  perfect my english with some native speakers and I ll be very happy to teach them my language. I love teaching it!    I already can write, read and speak english well.

I hope this could be also the occasion to make new friends! I ve lots of interests and I like to speak about everything.

Write meeeeeeeeeeee


Floxi profile picture FloxiAugust 2008


Mi chiamo Florence, ho 17 anni e sono francese. Cerco delle persone per parlare in italiano perché in Settembre vado all'università per studiare questa lingua. Parlo un po l'ingliese e posso anche insegnare il francese!!

A presto spero!!

Ciao!!! Flo

amyyy profile picture amyyyJuly 2008

i would love to practice English with you, and i would definitely appreciate your help with my Italian! send me a message?

ci sentiamo presto :)


hunter567 profile picture hunter567July 2008
mate add me and you  teach me italiano and l ll teach you  english.. deal?  hunter567hunter567 profile picture..