Spanish for Italian

100% GOOD (1 votes)

Ciao! I recently started learning Italian, and I just know a couple of words, but I want to learn it completely! I'm looking for a native Italian that wants to learn Mexican Spanish (begginer-fluent) or to improve his/her English skills with me. 


Voliglot profile picture VoliglotJuly 2016
Ciao, ti posso aiutare io, abito in Italia da nove anni
Ross991 profile picture Ross991June 2016
Hi! I'm italian ! I can help you. I can't speak spanish, but i wanna learn. Maybe we can help each other
haramiskadiya profile picture haramiskadiyaMay 2016
Ciao!! I'd like to help you learn italian and I'm very much interested in improving my spanish.
Jorge_LFC profile picture Jorge_LFCMay 2016
ciao amici, io voglio imparare l'italiano, chi mi aiuta