
Text from Rashoo6 - Italiano

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    • Infact there are over 417 bridges in the city alone, over 450 palazzi and 177 canals .
    • Venice has many attractions.
    • the most popular being the beautiful grand canal that runs through out the city and separates it into two .
    • One of the city's popular attractions would also be the Piazza San Marco,which is the principal public square in Venezia Italy.
    • Overall Venice structure which is separated by canals and linked by bridges is what makes the city so unique and very beautiful Personally I wish my dream would come true by visit this truly amazing city one day.


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    • the most popular being the beautiful grand canal that runs through out the city and separates it into two .
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    • the mostil canal grande è il più popuolar being the beautiful grand canal that runs through out the city and separates it into two .e, è il bellissimo, attraversa e la separa la città in due
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    • One of the city's popular attractions would also be the Piazza San Marco,which is the principal public square in Venezia Italy.
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    • One of the city's popularUna delle attractzions would also be thei popolari della città è Piazza San Marco,which is the che è la piazza principale pubblic square ina di Venezia Italy.
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    • Overall Venice structure which is separated by canals and linked by bridges is what makes the city so unique and very beautiful Personally I wish my dream would come true by visit this truly amazing city one day.
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    • Overall VeniceLa structture which isa complessiva di Venezia, che è separated bya da canals and linked by bridges is what makes the city so unique and very beautiful ¶
      Personally I wish my dream would come true by visit this truly amazing city one day.
      i e collegata da ponti, è ciò che rende la città così unica e molto bella. Vorrei che il mio sogno si realizzasse un giorno, visitando questa città davvero fantastica.
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