teaching russian and french (+german), looking for persian

33% GOOD (6 votes)


I'm from russian origin but lived pretty long in the french Switzerland, so my french is like a mother language. Now i'm living in Germany, and speak it, but not perfectly, so i can teach it to beginners. i search someone to learn me persian ^^


Meli85 profile picture Meli85August 2021
I highly recommend my Persian teacher _Roza_ in italki. She’s a native speaker and has a PhD:
mohfarid profile picture mohfaridSeptember 2018
We can help us if you interested in our relation.
I am ready whenever you message me.
Hamedk profile picture HamedkMay 2016
Ich lebe in Deutschland aber kann nicht gut deutsch sprechen,Main native Sprache ist persisch
Ich kann dir Hilfen
hsn11088 profile picture hsn11088December 2013
سلام بر تمامي دوستان و علاقه مندان آموزش زبان
Hootan profile picture HootanFebruary 2011


Good thing that you can teach french!

actually I am originaly persian and I have just started my studies in paris,looking for more people to talk in french to.

I am wondering if you also come to paris very often?

hope to hear from u : )

good luck!

mors profile picture morsSeptember 2009

Hi, I'm Persian and study in Germany. I would like to improve my German and can help you in Persian.