GIVE ANSWERS - Bahasa Indonesia

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🤗 How do you say "hello" in Indonesian?
Dear Polyglots 😃

Could you please help PolyglotClub complete the Wiki page that contains the different ways to greet people in Indonesian?

➡ Indonesian Greetings (Edit the Wiki)

Many thanks!
Vincent, PolyglotClub founder

PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn Indonesian: Learning class: Indonesian DanceCampingIndonesia TimelineMedical Emergencies


ventri profile picture ventriJanuary 2022
Hi Vincent,

Hello is Halo
Hi is Hai
Good morning is Selamat pagi
Good noon (none in English) but in Indonesian it is Selamat siang
Good afternoon is Selamat sore
Good evening is Selamat malam
These are the most common greetings in Indonesian.

Halo and Hai are rather informal.
The use of Selamat pagi/siang/sore/malam is both formal and informal. Most people would drop ’Selamat’ when greeting someone close and just say ’Pagi/Siang/Sore/Malam’ therefore making it informal.

While there is tengah hari (noon) and petang (afternoon), this is rarely used in most community. At school or office, you would use siang or sore.

Hope this helps.
Mxmachine profile picture MxmachineJanuary 2022

We say the same thing like we say hello in English, but if it in Indonesian writer, we write it with a single L. I think that it the different between English and Indonesia. 

In Indonesia writter, it ia written with a letter A and a single L letter, (Halo) 

and the sound of A in indonesia it similar like, you say (up) in english, if in English you write hello with using E letter and also with double LL. That's all




Anthony303 profile picture Anthony303January 2022
In Indonesian, we say hello in different situations.
If it’s in the morning, we say ”Selamat Pagi”.
If it’s in the mid-day, we say ”Selamat Tengah Hari”.
If afternoon, we say ”Selamat Petang”.
If on usual, we say Hello like in English.
I hope this comment helps you.
By the way, in the Malay language, we say these when we met people older than us.
Unless the people are the same or younger than us, we say Hello.