Greek learning

100% GOOD (2 votes)

Hello teman-teman, saya keturunan Indo-Belanda 3 generasi, saya mencari seseorang yang bisa berbahasa Yunani Modern untuk mengajarkan kepada saya bahasa tersebut, minimal conversation. Saya juga akan mengajarkan kepada anda bahasa yang saya bisa, Indonesian, English, French and Turkish,.

Hello friends, I am descended of Indo-Dutch of 3 generations, I am looking for someone who can speak Modern-Greek to teach me that language, minimal a basic conversation. I will also teach you the languages that I can such as, Indonesian, English, French and Turkish,.

Bonjour mes amis, je suis descendu indo-neerlandais de 3 generations, Je cherche quelqu'un qui peut parler moderne-grec pour m'enseigner cette langue, minimal une conversation de base. Je vais aussi vous enseigner les langues que je peux, comme, l'indonesien, l'anglais, francais et la turc,.


nalurita77 profile picture nalurita77July 2016
I hope you willing to teach me english ...
aldhino profile picture aldhinoJuly 2016
can I learn engish with you?
  • CHAIRULARIFIN profile picture CHAIRULARIFINJuly 2016
    It's my pleasure, by the way, where do you come from and what is your native language? your mother tongue I mean,.