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States in India that speak Hindi??

I want to learn Hindi and would someday like to travel to India to visit/practice. But I don't know what states in India speak Hindi, and how to tell which Indian immigrants here in America speak Hindi or not. I'd hate to learn some conversational phrases and try to speak to an Indian and it turn out they don't speak Hindi:P 


PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn Hindi: Free material: PronounsHow to Say Hello and GreetingsReligious and Festive TraditionsHealth


horcrux profile picture horcruxMay 2015
Most states in the northern part of India speak Hindi. In fact, People in nearly all states understand/speak Hindi. Mostly people from southern part of India don't speak it, specially Tamil Nadu.
horizonrays profile picture horizonraysMarch 2015
look in your mail boox i have replied