GIVE ANSWERS - ગુજરાતી

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Can anyone translate - સ્વગંવાસ ?

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PPatel profile picture PPatelMarch 2018

I misread the word - it is actually સ્વર્ગવાસ.  According to, સ્વર્ગ means heaven and paradise and વાસ means "residence; abode, dwelling, house; street; locality. f. smell; bad odour."  When you put the two words together, does it mean something different like "deceased"?

  • GNPraveen profile picture GNPraveenApril 2019
    સ્વર્ગવાસ it is a hindi word written in Gujrati script. You said was right. It is a combination of 2 words સ્વર્ગ and વાસ which means death not deceased . સ્વર્ગવાસી means deceased .
1916120512 profile picture 1916120512July 2020