أعط أجوبة - Deutsch

صوّت الآندون الإجابة
Kann mir bitte jemand helfen versuchen, diesen Satz zu verstehen und auf Englisch zu übersetzen ?

Schließlich bekommt ihre Puppe Lulu ja auch immer welche um, und deshalb will sie auch welche.

Meine Versuch:  Eventually her doll "Lulu" got... ..., and because of that she wanted someone too. (?)

Vielen dank im Voraus

أعط أجوبة

reggird profile picture reggirdJune 2014

The source text you got that sentence from is full of errors and very colloquial :P Looking at the context, I'd tanslate it like this:

After all, her doll "Lulu" is wearing one (a diaper) all the time as well, so she wants to wear one too.

PS: You should always try to provide some context. Luckily, I found the source text. Without it a translation would have been rather hard.

Edit: Just realized that my translation isn't 100% accurate. But oh well I think you get the meaning of the sentence.^^