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Hello, guys! I saw a word in a book and can't find the translation anywhere. What is Wohlhaben?



  • Bennoni profile picture BennoniJune 2017
    That sounds really awkward, it makes sense somehow, but just doesn't feel right. Nowadays you'd hear "Für Ihr Wohlbefinden schlage ich Sport vor"
  • Joe333 profile picture Joe333May 2017
    In the book there is a sentence that says: Für ihr Wohlhaben schlage ich Sport vor. Does that make sense?
  • Bennoni profile picture BennoniMay 2017
    oh i forgot to mention: there is the term der Wohlstand though, this one is used often. So its quite possibly you hear in news something like "den Menschen mangelt es an Wohlstand,..../the people lack wealth", rather than something with wohlhabend.
  • Bennoni profile picture BennoniMay 2017
    Technically das Wohlhaben means wealth, but it is veeeery very uncommon. I supose it was an old book? Usually it is just used as an adjective, so if you are "wohlhabend". I almost believe if I had to write a german essay in school and would write something with das Wohlhaben, the teacher might underline it red.
Duc_ profile picture Duc_June 2017
The only German word useful in your sentence is "Wohlbefinden" - similar to "feeling fine" or "being well".