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How can i improve my talking skills in French language in short time

HI guys ! So today i went for an interview in a call center ( french ) but they didn't accept me because i need more practice in my french language.. so anyone can please help me in this because i really really need to get the job.. thank you everyone! 


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Cornaline profile picture CornalineAugust 2017
Hey, best thing to do is to find one of your favorite books (a simple one, like the ones you read as a kid) or movies and read it/watch in french, I mean written or dubbed in french. this way you won't be completely lost if you don't understand something and it's a good start. Next, try to keep on reading and listening to french. Finding songs you like and singing them can help to (good luck with that I 'm not a fan of french music, but if you like Altervantive Rock you can look at Noir Desir or Indochine for example). Good luck!
  • soufiane_b2 profile picture soufiane_b2August 2017
    Thank you ! but here is the thing ! I understand french perfectly and write also read it.. so my problem here is i need to talk in french for hours that way i will talk fluently.. but am gonna try what you said ! And hey thanks a lot i appreciate your advices