I'm not sure if it means "I have it" or "I got it". Maybe the meaning isn't either of these sentences. Could someone also tell what two words it is put together with?
PS: Find free French learning lessons here: Free resource: Easy way of generating the imperfect subjunctive — Verbs which are directly transitive in French — Togo Timeline — Subject verb agreement — Verb “être”
- Nari_
December 2015
![]() | LifeisyellowDecember 2015 "ai" is the verb to have coonjugated at the first person in the present : j'ai = I have. "l' " is a "pronom personel complement d'objet direct" it refers to something or someone. je l'ai = I have it |
fb_1624028548January 2022 l : it
Sysy2022March 2021 What does mean in french: ”je l’ai” ? That is the question.😉
Nari_December 2015 Merci
![]() | vincentMarch 2023 ”L’ai” is the contracted form of ”je l’ai” in French and it means ”I have it” or ”I’ve got it” in English. It is formed by combining the subject pronoun ”je” (I) with the auxiliary verb ”avoir” (to have) and the direct object pronoun ”le” (it). For example, ”Je l’ai vu hier soir” means ”I saw it last night”. |
![]() | smokeyresilientSidste måned In French, ”l’ai” is a contraction of ”le/la ai”, which means ”I have it” or ”I have him/her,” depending on context |
![]() | la-petite-sireneDecember 2015 "l'ai" ist not correct. "Je l'ai" is correct. I have it. If you ask someone if he has something. Je l'ai. Have you got this lesson ? Yes "Je l'ai". |
vincentJanuary 2017 Merci