100% GOOD (1 votes)ubesvart
Hey, im learning french and i need to practice,and i can teach English and Arabic


FCEN profile picture FCENApril 2015
Ok, contact me.
Raytanor profile picture RaytanorApril 2015
OK pour moi on peu s’entraider... si tu le souhaite
  • Maxou1706 profile picture Maxou1706April 2015
    Hi, i'm french too and i can help you in french. I need help for improve my english
Temz profile picture TemzApril 2015
I'm french i can help you and i need to improve m'y english
Ulynna profile picture UlynnaApril 2015
i can help you, i'm french (belgian but i speak french) . And in return can you help me to practice english ?
Raytanor profile picture RaytanorFebruary 2017
hey i can help you improve your frensh if you help me with my english...