100% GOOD (1 votes)Sen respondo
Hey, im learning french and i need to practice,and i can teach English and Arabic


FCEN profile picture FCENApril 2015
Ok, contact me.
Raytanor profile picture RaytanorApril 2015
OK pour moi on peu s’entraider... si tu le souhaite
Temz profile picture TemzApril 2015
I'm french i can help you and i need to improve m'y english
Ulynna profile picture UlynnaApril 2015
i can help you, i'm french (belgian but i speak french) . And in return can you help me to practice english ?
Raytanor profile picture RaytanorFebruary 2017
hey i can help you improve your frensh if you help me with my english...