German/English for French

Zahlasuj teraz!


I'm 17 years old and a native german speaker, I also speak english fluently.

I would like to learn some basic french vocabulary & phrases.

I can teach you german and or english. Text me if you are interested :)


Sebb420 profile picture Sebb420April 2016
For everyone who is interested:
Just leave me a private message with your phone number or your Facebook name. Writing on Whatsapp or Facebook is way easier than here!
Solveiglet profile picture SolveigletApril 2016
I'm interested too if you want.
Bechbech profile picture BechbechApril 2016
I'm too .
Elwyn profile picture ElwynApril 2016
Hi ! I'm very interested!
alexh profile picture alexhApril 2016
I'm in!
Baptiste59 profile picture Baptiste59April 2016
I'm interested !