Is it French proverb?

50% GOOD (16 votes)


Hi , world!

" Un bon avis vaut un oeil dans la main" - can you  confirm that it is French proverb or not?



fahnun profile picture fahnunApril 2007

Oh I see

No need to writte it in the end of your message.

The best way is to writte  : " pourriez-vous ré pondre rapidement s'il-vous-plaî t" .

Because this adverb will be too confusing, and has no report with the speed of the person (seemingly). I don't know what to advice you, sometimes it's fast, sometimes not, if you need the answer quickly, send an other mail and tell the person that you're in a hurry :-)

Andry67 profile picture Andry67April 2007

My situation : I use French equipment , and some times I have question about it.

If I write at the end of  my  letter (after my name) this proverb or only sentence, can it help me to get answer to my question more quickly?

For example:

Salut,... . 

Text of my question in English.


Best regards,


"   Un bon avis vaut un oeil dans la main"

Or such  addition will only confuse my French correspondent?

fahnun profile picture fahnunApril 2007

Concerning what ? I think you could, but for what result ?

Moreover, it's not a well-known proverd, on the contrary it is almost never used ^^

But can you be more precise about what you've planned to do ?

Andry67 profile picture Andry67April 2007
  Thanks a lot   again!

Your explanation has helped me very much.

Most efficient ideas are      " An advice bring an external point of view" and

"   which gives an other view angle" .

  So, may I use this proverb when I ask a Frenchman   for advice (technical advice) ?


fahnun profile picture fahnunApril 2007

I can give you what people think understand from this sentence

En fait tu peux aussi bien te faire une opinion que ce soit aveec le regard qu'en serrant une main.
Car avec les mains, on ressent souvent des choses qui ne passent pas par le regard.
(means : you can make your own opinion by looking at someone or by shaking its hand. Because feelings are deeper by touching than by a simple look.  Please forgive my English)


qu'un conseil apporte un avis exté rieur, donc on ne voit plus qu'avec nos seuls yeux, c'est comme si on avait un oeil ailleurs qui nous donne un autre angle de vue.

(means: a piece of advice bring an external point of view, thus one not only see by ones own eyes, it's as if one had an eye somewhere else, which gives an other view angle (i.e. you can look in an other direction, one different from yours) )


I think the last idea is good. WHen someone give you a piece of advice, you have an other point of view, an other way to understand. It's just like you have another eye which allows you to look in an other direction while your eyes or fixed on something. I don't know if you understand what I've writtent

(en franç ais cette fois : lorsque que quelqu'un te donne un conseil, tu as alors un autre point de vue, une autre faç on de voir/appré hender les choses. C'est comme si tu avais un oeil en plus pour regarder dans une autre direction que celle de tes yeux)

Andry67 profile picture Andry67April 2007

Thanks a lot !

  In Russian it will be " Äîáðûé óêàç ÷åëîâåêó, ÷òî ãëàç" .

It mean that " Good advice equivalent to eye ( additional )" .

Would you get me additional explanation of this proverb in French (and in Engish, if you can).

I will translate your explanation from French and it will be my learning of French..


fahnun profile picture fahnunApril 2007

Yes it's a French proverb (I didn't know it ...)

As for the sense, quite hard to explain (sorry if you wanted someone to explain it ... maybe someone will be able to help you later)

But it's a French proverb indeed