j'ai besoin d'ameliorer mon francais

Elige nunc !
Salut! I'd like to improve my help, if anyone wants to chat on msn (I can help with English), my msn is jahoojahoo profile picture. A bientot!


lilou67 profile picture lilou67July 2007


I'am french so I can help you. I have taken your msn adress.

See you soon on msn !

samsagas profile picture samsagasJuly 2007


I had you on my MSN. I'm french I could help you

samsagassamsagas profile picture

Inobliterabilis profile picture InobliterabilisJuly 2007


I would be glad to help you. I'm gonna add your msn.

See you soon. :)

jahoo profile picture jahooJuly 2007
I meant I'd like to improve my French, oops.