j'ai besoin d'ameliorer mon francais

Szavazz most!
Salut! I'd like to improve my help, if anyone wants to chat on msn (I can help with English), my msn is jahoojahoo profile picture. A bientot!


lilou67 profile picture lilou67July 2007


I'am french so I can help you. I have taken your msn adress.

See you soon on msn !

samsagas profile picture samsagasJuly 2007


I had you on my MSN. I'm french I could help you

samsagassamsagas profile picture

Inobliterabilis profile picture InobliterabilisJuly 2007


I would be glad to help you. I'm gonna add your msn.

See you soon. :)

jahoo profile picture jahooJuly 2007
I meant I'd like to improve my French, oops.