Suomilainen ystävän :)

22% GOOD (9 votes)

Moi! :)

I've been in love with Finland for quite some time now, however, i've not really been able to progress that much. I have a bad habbit of focussing on several languages at once, which can be great, but not always. Due to a bad experience and some other problems i've not been able to study languages recently and i'm hoping that can be corrected.

If you think you could help me out with Finnish, or even if you're from Finland and are looking to make a new friend, feel free to contact me. Kiitos for reading and I look forward to any responses :)


ukkonen profile picture ukkonenMarch 2011

Moi! Mita teile kuulu?

I am from Russia. I have been in Finland rather offen.

  I  like Finland too and want to learn suomen language, but i can not to find anybody who can help me. Perhaps we ll be able to assist each other?

sdreis profile picture sdreisJune 2011

And by the way you have to say "suomalainen ystävä" the I change into a A when you add the suffixe lainen

sdreis profile picture sdreisJune 2011

Hi !

I'm a finnish girl. And I'm living and actually I'm living in france and  I follow some Finnish studies so as to be able to teach it one day. So if you want I can help if you want to learn it.

I hope to here from you soon.