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And the second one. What is the difference between ”cushion’’ and "pillow" in everyday usage, especially in british english? Thank you in advance :)

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mimcma0123 profile picture mimcma0123February 2013
A cushion can be large or small, but it is almost always associated with a couch. Pillows can also be any size but it is for your bed.
fobo50 profile picture fobo50January 2013
Cushion is something you use on a Couch or a chair, Pillow is what you have in bed.
Tanya1968 profile picture Tanya1968January 2013
Thank you for the speedy reply. I understand their meanings somewhere in my mind. But there was a dispute in my company where to use a cushion and a pillow. The thing is "cushion "is often used in British English, and "a pillow "is used in American English. As far as I know, "cushion" is smth small and hard to the touch, therefore "pillow" is smth soft and is used for sleeping in the bed. I'd like somebody to correct me. I'm all mussed up