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what idioms do you have in English to say as soon as possible?


zoenels profile picture zoenelsDecember 2024
Hi there! This depends a bit on context, if you’re trying to use it in terms of seeing someone as soon as possible, this idiom/expression works. Example: “I’d like to see you as soon as possible!” Some English speakers will abbreviate this phrase into its acronym. Example: “Let’s get together ASAP”.

In a professional setting, this expression is used to request something quickly. Someone might request the following: “ I need the report as soon as possible (or ASAP)”. Alternative expressions include, “at your earliest convenience,”. I would use this after you’ve checked in a few times, example: “Please get me the report at your earliest convenience,”. Other examples include, “as soon as you can”; “at the earliest”; or requesting someone “expedite” the task.

Hope this helps, happy to clarify!
jesusmylord profile picture jesusmylordDecember 2024
There really aren’t idioms, per se, but we might just say, ”really soon,” ”This is a top priority, ” ”ASAP,” or even use the spanish word ”pronto” (we pronounce it like ”pranto.” Sometimes a parent or a strict boss might even say, ”I want it done yesterday!”