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what idioms do you have in English to say as soon as possible?


jesusmylord profile picture jesusmylord지난 달
There really aren’t idioms, per se, but we might just say, ”really soon,” ”This is a top priority, ” ”ASAP,” or even use the spanish word ”pronto” (we pronounce it like ”pranto.” Sometimes a parent or a strict boss might even say, ”I want it done yesterday!”
zoenels profile picture zoenelsDecember 2024
Hi there! This depends a bit on context, if you’re trying to use it in terms of seeing someone as soon as possible, this idiom/expression works. Example: “I’d like to see you as soon as possible!” Some English speakers will abbreviate this phrase into its acronym. Example: “Let’s get together ASAP”.

In a professional setting, this expression is used to request something quickly. Someone might request the following: “ I need the report as soon as possible (or ASAP)”. Alternative expressions include, “at your earliest convenience,”. I would use this after you’ve checked in a few times, example: “Please get me the report at your earliest convenience,”. Other examples include, “as soon as you can”; “at the earliest”; or requesting someone “expedite” the task.

Hope this helps, happy to clarify!