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Does phrase ”shall remain” has an emotional tone? Есть ли у ”shall remain” эмоциональный оттенок?

For example: "They shoud leave things the way they are" & "Things shall remain the way they are" are quite similar to me by meaning but they're feel different. The last one seems kinda depressing to me (because of " shall remain"). 

Например: "They shoud leave things the way they are" и "Things shall remain the way they are" несут для меня похожую смысловую нагрузку, однако, ощущаются по разному. Второе кажется мне дипрессивным.

Please, help me figure this out.


ivanaoonana profile picture ivanaoonanaMarch 2023

Connotation is subjective, but personally I do agree that ”shall remain” has a sadder, solemn tone, most likely because the word ”shall” is derived from Old English and feels more authoritatively permanent. However, I also want to mention that the two sentences (1. ”They should leave things the way they are.” and 2. ”Things shall remain the way they are.”) aren’t actually very similar in meaning. In the first sentence the subject is ”They” while in the second sentence the subject is ”Things”. Sentence 1 could not replace 2 and vice versa. They are similar in context though.

  • Dilan887 profile picture Dilan887March 2023

    ivanaoonanaivanaoonana profile picture, Thanks a lot for such a full answer! And for: ”and vice versa”. Before that, I knew: ”upside down”, but it doesn’t seem appliable (like it fits) here. From now on: I know that ”and vice versa” is for the case. (^人^)
exRanger profile picture exRangerMarch 2023
Whether or not ”shall” versus ”should” remain ~ stay the same ~ etc. is ”emotionally loaded” depends (almost) entirely on the context in which either phrase is used.
  • Dilan887 profile picture Dilan887March 2023
    Thanks a lot for your answer!
    And for: ”emotionally loaded” - now I know that.