АДКАЗАЦЬ - English

100% GOOD (2654 votes)АдказаліLanguage Question
What is the difference between "enrolled" and "admitted"? If I have already started my studies at university, am I enrolled or admitted????

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8Avalon82 profile picture 8Avalon82August 2019
I believe you must be admitted (or accepted) first to the university. Thereafter, you may enroll in the courses you select.
kaylyn profile picture kaylynNovember 2013
Admitted means being offered a position to pursue a course in the university; Enrolled means you register for classes after accepting the admission and fulfilling all the necessary requirements like paying semester fee, tuition fee, etc.
couchsmash profile picture couchsmashNovember 2013
You are currently enrolled at the university. You were admitted to it when they first accepted your application.