АДКАЗАЦЬ - English

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Can you access the New Polyglot Chat room?

This platform is still in active development. If you have some errors, please post an answer with a screen copy. To post an answer with a screen copy of your bug, that's easy:


1. Use the text rich editor CLICK HERE;


2. Hit the "Print screen" button on your keyboard and paste in the editor. thanks. 😃



The chatroom looks like this : 




PS: Try out these free English learning lessons: Free exercises: I have been living or I have livedPossible Positions of Adverbs in a SentenceTop Job Interview QuestionsGeography


Soniaaaaaaa profile picture SoniaaaaaaaMay 2022
Yes, I am,My username is Sonica
Soniaaaaaaa profile picture SoniaaaaaaaMay 2022