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When use verbs: to see, to watch and to look?

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AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgJanuary 2022

I guess you want the difference between these three verbs in the sense of ”your eyes give an image to your brain”.

These 3 verbs have other meanings, but I won’t go into those smile.gif

to see: A general term for your eyes giving an image/images to your brain. Often, you are not consciously/deliberately using your eyes to view the image(s).

to look: Usually, you are consciously/deliberately using your eyes for the image. The image your brain gets generally does not move. You also view the image for more than a very short time but less time than ”to watch

to watch: As with ”to look”, you are consciously/deliberately using your eyes for the image. However, the image your brain gets does move or is potentially expected to move. ”to watch” is also for a longer period of time than ”to look”.

Example with ”to see” and ”to look”: ”I’m at a museum. I can see the painting by Henri Matisse. I’m now looking at it.” = ”My eyes observe that there is a Matisse painting on the wall. Then I deliberately continue my attention with my eyes on the picture.”

(NOT ”I’m watching the Matisse painting” - unless you are a security guard at the museum observing if the Matisse painting is moving because of a thief! smile.gif

Example with ”to watch”: ”I’m watching the film on TV.” = ”There is a moving image on the TV screen - the film - which I am continuing to observe consciously with my eyes”.

It’s possible also to use: ”I’m seeing the film on TV.” From my experience, native English speakers tend to use ”see” rather than ”watch” when they are less concentrated on the film.

Even ”I looked at a film on TV last night.” is possible, However, it is usually used for viewing a very short part of the film - not the whole of the film.

exRanger profile picture exRangerJanuary 2022
”To See” can also mean ”To Comprehend” (”Understand”) and also ”To Acknowledge” something.