100% GOOD (1 votes)beantwoordTaalvraag
Hello, Could you tell me please what does ”IN EXCHANGE” here mean? ”He agreed to take my traveler’s check in exchange for Korean money.” Is name of an act or name of a place with its preposition?

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tahming profile picture tahmingAugust 2021
In exchange means you are swapping one for another. It is not a place, hahaha! Rather, in exchange should be read like an idiom. The two words “in exchange “has just 1 meaning
Adongsky profile picture AdongskySeptember 2021
It is like a trade. What I have, I give to you and what you have, you give to me. Both sides get something.
Kupai1977 profile picture Kupai1977August 2021
It means, you give your traveller’s check to him, and you will get Korean money (S.Korean Won) in return. Basically a swap, as “tahming” wrote.