Vastake - English

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”Don’t ask again, please.”

In a Q&A I asked "Are you ready to tell what your worst pain was? You once said to someone in a live stream that you weren't.

And the answer was " No. I will never share that chapter of my life. I actually said I wasnt' interested in sharing.

It's someting personal and I'm still physically recovering. Don't ask again, please."

Does that "don't ask again" mean they don't want me to ask what I asked in the Q&A or that they don't want me to ask any question ever? Or can it even mean either?

Bear in mind this person I asked is super tricky with words and sometimes rude.

Thanks in advance!

PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn English: Free module: How to Say Hello and GreetingsTop 1000 Spiritual quotesPrefixes and SuffixesMore on Omission


Betina026 profile picture Betina026July 2021
Hello, it means that they want you to stop asking about that subject. It makes them feel uncomfortable and we should always respect people’s choice when it comes to sharing their worst pain. Hope this helps!
  • Manuelray profile picture ManuelrayJuly 2021
    It means you should bring another topic of discussion.
    It happens like that.
    Maybe that particular question reminds them of something in the past.Depending on how bad it had happened. Instead of the person to ruin your day or moment the best way out of that present state of mind was for him/her to just say ’Don’t ask me that question again’.
    Best approach is to obey their personal opinion then when they are okay once more you can now ask them using a low tune what really happened.
    Before getting a reasonable response.

    Hope this is helpful.
  • Dannyel profile picture DannyelJuly 2021
    Thanks! On a side note, I rewatched that part of the stream and it is different from the answer in the Q&A. They said they needed to find out how to answer the next time, which it implied that they could answer it the next time. And what it instilled was even more different: they were almost laughing when answering. I wont’ ask about that.again, of course.
rickycom profile picture rickycomJuly 2021

It means "don't ask me this question again" (the specific one in the Q&A session).

In a spanish language conversation the equivalent would have been "no más preguntas sobres esto, por favor".

Dannyel profile picture DannyelJuly 2021
So, is the second meaning 100% ruled out ?