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Is this right?

At this profile, is it right the "Have" at the begging of the sentence?


Professor of game design and 3D, worked in the game development industry. Have a master degree in applied computing from the same university.

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exRanger profile picture exRangerJuly 2021
”I am a professor of game design and 3D who has worked in the game development industry. I have a Master’s degree in applied computing from X university.

NOTE: Unless you previously cited the name of the university, you should not refer to it as simply ”the same” in this statement. If it is the same university at which you are a professor of game design and you have already identified the name of that university, then it’s okay to use ”the same” in this instance.

If you do not want to write in the FIRST PERSON, do this:

”Professor of game design and 3D, worked in the game development industry. Has Master’s degree in applied computing from X university.”
will_stewa profile picture will_stewaJuly 2021
I would only add I am a professor...The rest looks fine and clear, easy to understand
MauricioMBG profile picture MauricioMBGJuly 2021

Yes, the university was cited before, this is just a part fo the whole profile. My doubt was more about the "Have" at the beginning of the sentence.

MauricioMBG profile picture MauricioMBGJuly 2021

Ok, but I don´t want to write in first person.