100% GOOD (3 votes)Dijawab
Could you give examples of new words that emerged during the pandemic? Preferably in context or with a short explanation :)


AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgDecember 2020

Here’s a few examples of words and collocations that immediately come to mind. Social Distancing: the act of keeping a minimum distance (usually 1.5m or 2m) from people in order to prevent transmission of Covid19.

Lockdown: a series of regulations limiting personal movement, often confinement to where someone lives and a limited number of places someone can go such as places to shop, and limitations on who someone can socially interact with which are designed to reduce transmission of this virus.

Covidiot: a combination of two words ”Covid19” + ”Idiot”. This one has two possible meanings. 1/ someone who does not adhere to hygiene standards such as wearing masks or social distancing (see above for a definition smile.gif 2/ somebody - in spite of the massive amounts of scientific evidence pointing to the reality of the existence of the Covid19 - believes that the Covid19 virus does not exist.

China Virus; China ”Flu; Wuhan Virus; Wuhan ’Flu - common colloquial terms for Covid19.

Self-Quarantine / Selfquarantine: the process of staying confined at home in order to prevent the spread of Covid19. Usually at the request or direction of a government body or official. Occasionally is also used by people who are vulnerable to Covid19 who voluntarily stay at home so as to prevent infection by Covid19.

”Flattening the Curve”: applying lockdowns (see above) and other measures to slow the rate of Covid19 spread in order to prevent hospitals from getting overwhelmed with Covid19 cases.

There’s a whole heap of other jargon previously used by epidemiologists, biostatisticians, virologists, mathematical modellers, medical workers and others which are now in common usage such as PPE - personal protective equipment, ”Phase 1”, ”Phase 2” and ”Phase 3” when describing vaccine trials and so on.

hienjoy profile picture hienjoyDecember 2020
transmutation:changing form
Rnooar profile picture RnooarDecember 2020