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Can I learn English by this site?

How speak English in three month 


Shay1996 profile picture Shay1996July 2020
Hi 7ozo,

If you wish to start learning English, this is probably one of the best sites to be a part of! As a English (USA) native, I have met so many like-minded people.

Learning a new language, especially English (from what I have heard) isn't easy but if you can find time to study and practice daily it should be possible to speak in 3 months. You most likely, won't be fluent, but I feel you will have a good grasp of the basics.

If you are comfortable, try finding members that offer Skype or other face-to-face video sessions, that way you can practice speaking & hearing the language firsthand. That's what I am doing to learn Russian.

Wishing you the best of luck with learning English!