100% GOOD (1 votes)AtsakytaLanguage Question
What’s the difference between something and anything? Can you give me some examples?


ZinebEttaki profile picture ZinebEttakiMay 2020
We say something to a thing unknown, only one thing. Example: "Tell me something to do today"
and we say anything whatever or something, no matter what. Example:"I'm active today, I can do anything"
Laurbunny profile picture LaurbunnyMay 2020
Definition of anything: Use to refer to a thing (something most frequently specified /to a particular topic mentioned previously in the conversation or the paragraph if you are reading a book)
Example: Anything would be good to eat.
Here the thing is this specific context food and it shows that any food of different cuisine will be good/acceptable.

Definition of something: It is the same as saying things. It is unspecified and is in direct reference to the thing not a reference like anything.

Example: Something happened.
A specific thing happened not a plethora of thing that is reference.

conclusion: Something is a thing that is unknown where anything is a reference to a group of things.