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Is there a difference between "freedom" and "liberty"?

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Tatiana_Juliet profile picture Tatiana_JulietApril 2020
Hi Aphylante, I would say that "freedom" and "liberty" can be used synonymously in a lot of cases, but I believe "freedom" is a more general term and "liberty" tends to apply more specifically towards political freedom, as in when people are liberated from oppression and able to enjoy their human rights.
BilalLahcen profile picture BilalLahcenApril 2020
Freedom comes from Old English, meaning “power of self-determination, state of free will; emancipation from slavery, deliverance.”
Liberty comes from the Latin “libertatem” (nominative libertas), which means “civil or political freedom, condition of a free man; absence of restraint, permission.”
Skrama profile picture SkramaApril 2020
Is the question one of language or of philosophy ?